Busy Week

It has been a busy week.  Calvin started Kindergarten, so now I have 2 boys to get ready for school every morning!  He is loving school and feeling so big now.  Logan and Bridget have started playing well while the older boys are at school.  Sterling is growing fast and he is alert.  Car rides get unpleasant, he is not too fond of being strapped in his car seat, but for the most part he is a good baby.

Sterling meets Great Grandpa Pratt on August 20th, he is one month old.  By the way, Logan was the photographer!

Calvin took this picture of me holding Sterling.  This was Sunday after Church.  I am amazed Sterling is already 5 weeks old and growing so quick.

Sterling admiring his frog toy.  He has started noticing the toys!

Good morning!  Mornings are happy times for Sterling.  He is all smiles and very cooperative to let the kids hold him.  Exciting times.

Big news…we bought a Suburban.  We test drove it on Monday.  The kids really liked the rear AC and more space.  We debated buying it…and here we are just home from the dealer.  We are the proud owners of our own tow vehicle!

Back to School

Just a few pictures from this week! Sterling is one month old today. Here he is all decked out for Church.

Monday was the first day of School. Kimball is in 3rd grade and Calvin will officially start Kindergarten next week! He is so excited.

Sterling even got dressed for the first day of school. Bridget loves to dress all of her dolls in Sterling’s clothes, so there is competition for the baby outfits!

Check out the gorgeous roses and cute kids!

Form and Frames

After some digging, lots of getting things lined up, and some heavy lifting, the form and frames are complete and in position.

10 points to anyone who can guess how much that transom weighs. I measured it on a scale prior to lifting it up onto the form at the back.

Next thing to do, lay down the keel.

Rope Locker Bulkhead

The rope locker bulkhead is framed up.

The other side of the bulkhead has framing along the sides. The other side is the side that will show, and it looks even better(no footballs).

You can also see the stemhead knee on the right. It’s the forward most structural member.

Now on to the building form they go. I also need to respace all my frames since I am going to build it 30ft instead of 33ft. Over 31 feet would put it in a property tax bracket I don’t want it to be in.

Our Growing Boy

“Good morning, there is so much to wonder about”

Sterling enjoys a bath with Bridget and Logan attending.  Calvin asked to take pictures!

Sterling went to the doctor today for his 2 week check up.  The PKU test was terrible…he cried so hard he fell asleep (practically passed out).  Later at home it seemed he remembered the event and continued the crying.  It is hard being cute and little!

He is 18 days old.  He is right at 50% on the charts.  He is now 8 lbs 12 oz and 20 1/2 inches long.

Transom Part 2

After quite a bit of work, I finally got all the pieces ready to assemble the transom. Here I am putting a coat of epoxy resin on.

I then thickened the epoxy to more of a glue consistency and put a layer of epoxy between each frame. I put in bronze screws as a fail safe and now the transom is complete. Well, complete enough to mount it on the building form.

The notches are for the keel, chine, and shear. If you want to know what those are go here

Kimball’s Baptism and Sterling’s Blessing Day

Yesterday was a special day for our family! Kimball was baptized by Ammon, confirmed by Grandpa Diether, and Sterling was blessed by Grandpa Rowbury. It was wonderful to have so much family join with us for the eventful occasion. Thank you for being a fabulous family!

Kimball and Ammon before the baptism!

Our “big” family!

Kimball and Sterling, It is your day!

Grandparents, parents and boys.

We truly enjoyed everyone joining us for lunch and visiting afterwards. It was a great day with family. Families are the best.

The Little Mother

So, I have many pictures and it is hard to choose which few to share!  These are the winning pictures of the week…watch for more to come!

Bridget is quite the little mother.  Her dolls are even getting tons of attention.  She can use more diapers on her dolls (and much to my dismay, more diaper medicine) in 10 minutes of alone time than I could ever imagine.  She is quite the little helper with Sterling.  On Friday, I let her give Sterling stroller rides around the house.  Oh what Joy!

All of the kids really love their new brother.  He is 2 weeks old today!