Labor Day Fun in the Sun

Wild riders Kimball, Calvin and Logan

Eigen wanted Daddy's glasses.

Bridget being the flag holder

Easy ride for the littles

Williams family joined in the fun.

Eigen fell asleep!

How many cheetos can you fit in your mouth?

Kimball trying to eat all those cheetos

back at the dock

It was a fun day.  We are all a bit tired from playing and soaking in the sun’s rays.

Tonight at Family Home Evening it was Sterling’s turn to choose a fun song.  He wanted to sing “Ninja Bends.”  We were at a total loss and told him to sing it first so we could learn the song.  He says something about you know how everything bends…aha the light comes on, he wanted to sing “Hinges” like I’m all made of hinges cause everything bends.  :)  So I guess we don’t have hinges we are all amazing ninja’s!!!

Diether Gazette Article

So Long Summer

We have successfully survived and energetically endured the first week of school (started Aug 21). This year I was not anxious for summer to end, could have enjoyed a few more weeks. Summer was full of swim lessons, water parks, story time at the library, late nights, boating, computer games, more swimming, fireworks, family reunion and lazy days! It was a fun summer.

Kimball turned 12 and was ordained a Deacon in July, he seems to enjoy passing the Sacrament and participating in young men’s. His scout troop was invited to do the flag ceremony for the Utah Symphony at Thanksgiving Point Gardens, bonus: The whole family got in free for a fun concert and fireworks. He worked hard at Scout camp and earned 5 merit badges in four days. He is now in Junior high and is enthusiastically awaiting the day he will be the tallest in the house.

Calvin likes to be successful at new things. He tried knee boarding this summer and found great satisfaction in being able to kneel and stand! Like his brothers, he loves to join Justin, Hyrum and Chan for a game of League of Legends. Computer games are super cool, especially with cool uncles. Calvin is generally the clown in photos, watch out for his happy smiles.

Logan hosted his annual milk jug water fight. Generally it has been a 4th of July family event, but this year we invited neighborhood friends and had the longest most drenching water fight ever! Logan is either a gymnast or a monkey. He loves to climb the walls and door frames. He does love his gymnastic classes too.

Bridget is all girl. In June she had a dance recital. She took ballet at the rec center and performed a cute number with her class. She is often found experimenting with water and small containers. She is now in 1st grade and gets to walk home from school with the boys. I can’t believe 4 kids are in school all day! Bridget wanted to make spaghetti for Sunday dinner, but got side tracked and made a delicious fruit salad while I made the spaghetti. It was yummy.

Sterling melts hearts! He wins over about everyone he talks to with his smile and voice. He is four (he doesn’t say the r, “I am fo”). He thinks he should say every opening prayer in primary, and for a while the secretary let him :) Sterling often asks if we can go hiking to Secret Lake again, it was his favorite part of the Diether family reunion. He is excited to start preschool tomorrow Aug 28th.

Eigen almost likes going to nursery. He is really good at being sad. He loves to eat “pops, Imbal” (translates to: otterpops with Kimball in the back yard). He is learning new words everyday, not always understandable, but super cute to see him get excited when you understand what he is saying. His favorite word, of course, is NO! He loves the outside world and has found a new love of driving the car. Silly boy.

Ammon took down the big boat project. It was a sad day to watch all that work be disassembled in a matter of 2 hours. On a happy note the transom was cut and turned into the swim platform for the blue boat and the keel became the race track for the family reunion, both have brought about much fun.

If you are looking for an easy read (it is intriguing and peculiar, contains a bit of foul language and the story interlaced with old photos is unique) try Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. I read it for book club and enjoyed it.