Eigen 2 months old

March 22, 2011

Don’t blink.  It is hard to believe Eigen is already 2 months old.  He is a precious baby, growing way too fast.  Most days he is not a great napper, but he does sleep great at night.  Usually goes down around 10, wakes up once between 4 or 5 and sleeps until 8!  I love that he sleeps at night.  I do have to wonder why I feel sleep deprived, because he is doing so well.

Stats from his doctor visit April 1st:

Length 24 1/2  inches (75%), Weight 13 lbs 7.5 oz (90%), and Head circumference 40.2 cm (50%).

He is our big strong boy.  Love his smiles and coo’s.

Eigen is generally a happy baby.  He does love to be held, especially by mom, and he is content.  After the doctor visit and SHOTS, Eigen was a very sad boy.  Real tears, painful cry, so sad for about 6 hours!  Wow.  I am so glad he slept well and is doing better.