Sterling Fun

Just some really great pics of one silly little boy.

Friday morning he woke up with a swollen hand…he had found a hair elastic and put it on his wrist…and slept with it all night.  I removed the elastic and rubbed his hand.  He has been using his fingers, has no bruising, and no troubles (we are very blessed) but he still has a nice red mark around his wrist.

Calvin’s First Grade Play

Calvin did a wonderful job in his class play “King Bidgood’s In The Bathtub.”  He was the Page (King’s attendant)

We enjoyed the production.  It was 10 fabulous and funny minutes.  Calvin was definitely the star of the show…he was the only one who knew how to get the king out of the bathtub…

…he pulled the plug!

Three cheers for Calvin!

Older Siblings

What Great kids we have.  Sterling gets lots of fun attention from all.  Calvin gives our “little” baby a ride around the house in the doll stroller…so much fun.

Logan helps Sterling shovel snow (a small dusting of snow) on a Sunday morning.  Pjs and shoes that are too big :)

Bridget and a neighbor play in the backyard with Sterling…we love the mud!