Sterling 8 Months Old

Sterling has 3 teeth now.  We have not used the oragel many times, but it is a wonderful teething toy!  Sterling praising the oragel.

Bridget and Logan want in on the action.

Watch out world Sterling is mobile!  He has been crawling for over a week, but never traveled very far.  It was a one knee and one foot crawl…but today he started following after people.

Check out his new fun:  pulling himself up to everything.

Could Spring Be Here?

Monday we took the kids swimming for Family Home Evening and it was snowing a little.  It was so cold outside.  By midnight it was a bright white blizzard.  By Tuesday afternoon the snow was all melted and we have had spring like weather every day since.  Could Spring be here?  We have thourally enjoyed spending time outside in the sunshine.  Today after Church we had some fun family time in the backyard.  Sterling loved swinging and the bigger kids loved taking turns pushing him.  It was a beautiful day…I hope spring is here to stay!

Sterling so happy!

Taking turns.

Some funny facial expressions!

Check out the grip on the ropes…Sterling happily held on for dear life.

Baby Wisdom

Tidbits of wisdom from Sterling.

There are a few things I have to say:

1.  Sleep is for wimps!  My mom wants me to take two naps a day and sleep at night.  I don’t want to miss the action…I am the action!  So, I take short naps and wake up lots at night, like I said, sleep is for wimps (and mom’s)!

2.  Teething hurts!  My mom was right!  I am teething and my first tooth came in today.  You can’t see it when I smile, but soon I will lose my toothless grin.

3.  Thank you Fiona for the special blessing weekend.  I really liked having company come.  A big thanks to Uncle Justin for taking us out to dinner…I love food!

Love Sterling