
Now that Eigen is almost 7 months old, my baby is growing too fast, here are his stats!

4 months

length 25 inches 75%

weight 14 lbs 15 oz 50%

head circumference 41.5cm 25%

5 months

6 months

length 26 1/4 inches 50%

weight 15 lbs 14 oz barely above 10%

head circumference 44 cm 50%

Still growing so fast, although not so high on the charts.  Eigen is starting to pull himself from a sitting position onto his knees.  He loves the outdoors, loves mom, and does not love sleep!  Oh what a silly boy.

The month of May, so long ago

The end of school was a very busy time, I am finally sharing a few pics!

Calvin and his 2nd grade class wrote and performed an opera.  Going to the “Princess Ball” at the library.  Eigen swinging.

Preschool trip to the farm.  Gorgeous day.  Bridget finally was brave enough at the end to feed the llamas.

Kimball and hundreds of 5th graders performed a musical celebration “Hope of America” at the Marriot center.

Bridget preschool graduation

Kimball at the state report fair!  He finished his project, it was a long process and he did a good job.

Driel invited us to Thanksgiving point gardens.  Bridget needed to wear her pretty pink princess dress and thrilled at all the gorgeous flowers.  It was one of the few beautiful spring days, very nice to enjoy the flowers and sunshine.  We had a picnic too.  (disclaimer, we did not pick the flowers, but little hands wanted to)

The garden took a transformation this year, Ammon built garden boxes.

May 20 Bridget and I invited some friends over for a princess party while the boys went to Fathers and Sons.  It was lots of fun to play princess with lots of little girls.  The morning after:

Eigen 4 months old

Friday May 27 School dance festival and field day.

Ammon put together new bunk beds and we started the rearranging of bedrooms.  Eigen in the crib sharing a room with Bridget (she loves it), Sterling and Logan in the new bunk beds, and Kimball and Calvin in bunks in the downstairs.  Eigen so happy…this was the beginning of not sleeping so well at night…here’s hoping he starts sleeping through the night really soon!

Yeah!  That’s May in a nutshell!

Logan’s 7th Birthday

Way back on April 30, we had an impromptu birthday bash.  It was Logan style, army guys!  We did military training (obstacle courses), disk shooting, and cake.  Very fun party.

Check out the cake:  2 military bases, let the battle begin!  It was all he ever dreamed of :)