Pictures from June

Riding bikes (two weeks ago)

Check out that sweet helmet…oh I mean bucket!

Sterling 11 months old (one week ago) at David and Heidi’s house.  He loved the yummy watermelon and cheetos.

Happy Father’s day Dad!  Ammon and Calvin on the water trampoline.

Backyard swimming

Sterling has a great farmer’s tan!

Keel is Laid

After much work, the keel is finally in place.  4 layers of 1/2″ x 6″ Douglas-Fir from the back to the front and increasing to 8 layers(but tapering to only 4 inches wide) at the very front.

You can’t really buy 1/2×6 boards, So I got 2×6 stock and ripped them on edge to make 1/2″ x 6″.  I was able to get three such boards from one 2×6, one of which was usually closer to 9/16 to 5/8.  The larger boards were too much for me to handle with just a hand plane, so a special thanks to my neighbor Enoch, who let me use his thickness planer.

Here it is completed.

And now for the chines(goes the length of the boat between the bottom and the sides).

Fun Friday

Greetings!  This is one of my favorite photos from the month of June!  So, Bridget can greet all who read this post about boating yesterday!

We finally had a truely warm day with lots of sun and no rain.  We took our dinner and headed for the lake.  We picniced on the shore and then launched the boat.  We had a really fun evening.  Too bad I forgot the camera.  Bridget and Logan both felt comfortable to let go of the boat to “swim” with mom.  Sterling even splashed his feet in the water.  Kimball and Calvin were back and forth between the boat and the hotdog.  Just when we thought we were done, Logan wanted more time riding the hotdog…so he took some wild rides all by himself!  I was surprised he didn’t fall off, he just kept grinning and whenever we stopped he would say “no, I’m not done.”

Truly Fun Times!

Lake Trips

Do I have to wear this life jacket?

Bridget says “slower daddy”

The boys are brave this year…”faster!” and trying no hands or standing!

We have had lots of rain and stormy days…but still have found ourselves at the lake twice.  The water was quite choppy last Saturday morning, but we had a successful boat trip to test out the work Ammon had done on the engine and battery switch.

On May 30th we were “stuck” on the lake.  The boat would not start back up after we had stopped for swimming.  Ammon found the problem, the battery switch had melted.  Ammon got us fixed up to get home and then fixed the connection with lots of help from Sterling.  Playing on the boat is wonderful (for all the kids).

Sterling’s new found joy

Sterling has been pleased as punch with his new accomplishment.  He found he can walk around by pushing small chairs or even better Bridget’s shopping cart!  Oh what joy!

He is also amazing at walking/climbing up slides.  This is an amazing feat, yet a bit scary for mom.