Easter Weekend

April 23-24

Easter weekend included an egg hunt and picnic at Rowbury’s, coloring eggs, and a hunt for a surprise from mom and dad.  Bridget and Sterling got little umbrella’s, Calvin a slinky, Logan a jump rope, and Kimball new flip flops!…and plenty of candy for all.

Grandma Diether was in town for Breezy’s graduation and the birth of baby Kira, Driel and Evan’s 3rd girl.  Bridget got to shop with mom and Grandma, it was hard to choose, but she picked the dress Grandma bought her.  Lucky girl.

Spring Vacation

Mid April was Spring Break.  The boys had a full week off of school.  We went on an overnight trip to a far away place….Salt Lake City!!!  It was an adventure.  I loved the short drive and the exclaiming of joy when we were there after a mere 30 minutes in the car.

First stop, Gateway Discovery Museum.  Very busy that day, but we had good connections (Love ya Breezy) and got in without waiting in the long long line.  The kids loved all the hands on.

The kids absolute favorite was staying in a hotel; we had the swimming pool and hot tub to ourselves!  Not to mention the continental breakfast in the morning.  Sterling only fell out of bed once :(

We went to Temple Square on a quiet Friday morning.  We visited with sister missionaries, enjoyed the fountains and flowers, walked around the temple (trying to stay out of wedding photos), and then ate lunch at the Nauvoo Cafe.

It was a fun vacation.  We tried new things, saw new places and spent time together as a family!


March 8 Logan’s first grade play “King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub”

March 11 Craft day with sisters.  We made bread dough…yummy lunch!

March 12 Eigen 7 weeks and learning to eat his hands.

March 14 The boys had the day off of school.  We went to the Carl Bloch exhibit at BYU and the Bean Museum.  The kids loved the museum.  Grandma and Grandpa Rowbury, Rachel Rice and boys, and Annette’s boys joined in the adventure.

March 25 Kimball’s 5th grade music program.  Bridget, Eigen, and I watched the daytime performance.  Sterling chose to stay home with Ammon working…he really missed his mommy, he was so sad.

Eigen Loves the swing.  He also has a big happy smile that melts my heart.

March 27 Happy Anniversary!  We had a busy Sunday :)  So romantic.  We had an evening out on Saturday!

March 31 Preschool field trip to the fire station.  Fun times.

Diether Gazette Article

March 28, 2011

Winter will you please end?  We have had some days of beautiful spring weather and then cold days of random rain, wind, and snow.  We do have daffodils in the front yard…there is hope for Spring.
What is happening in American Fork?  Eigen is happening.  A new baby is fun, everyday they learn new things.  Eigen is 2 months old, he is smiling tons and starting to converse with his own language of coo’s.  He is our first baby to love the swing.  He takes at least one nap in the swing every day.  I love that all of the kids adore Eigen.  Kimball and Bridget enjoy holding him, whereas Calvin prefers to visit with him.  6 kids, with such fun personalities, is a houseful of fun (we never have tears, teasing, or fights!).
Ammon and I celebrated our 12th anniversary March 27.  Love our kids, but must say loved going out to dinner just the two of us.
Kimball spent the last 2 months working on a state report.  He enjoyed learning about Rhode Island.  Getting the report and project board done took a bit of mother love.  What a great day when he took the completed report to school.  Kimball really enjoyed his 5th grade music performance.  They sang, danced, and recited poetry.  He even played the ukulele.  He did a great job.
Calvin surprised us by entering, and winning for 2nd grade, the school storytelling festival.  He memorized a Calvin and Hobbes story and did an excellent job performing to the whole school.  A little comedian.
Logan lost his 2 front bottom teeth.  He even pulled one himself.  He performed in a first grade play “King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub” and had a lot of fun being the duke.
Bridget and Sterling are constantly wanting to play computer!  Oh the drama when mom says it is time to turn it off.  Bridget is a little mother, loves Eigen.  Sterling has adjusted well to having a new baby brother, but does say “get me up” and wants to be held.
There it is, a glimpse into the Diether doings.

Love Kathy