Christmas Morn

We enjoyed a very merry Christmas. It has been a festive month, more on that later. Enjoy a few pics of our Christmas morning.

Before the excitement!

Kimball was the first to wake up just before 7…so not too early.

Logan checking out the goods in his stocking, a giant pencil.


Eigen not really into opening presents. He just wanted the little candybars that fit perfectly in his hands.


Bridget loved it all!


Logan loves legos




Calvin and new ps3 game pieces


Merry Christmas

We started opening presents around 8, breakfast by 10 and Church at 1. Although we did go at 12:30 for choir practice. It was a wonderful Christmas day. We are blessed with good kids.

Christmas Message

The following is a Christmas article written for the Diether Gazette.

Random tidbits:  Ammon has been rebuilding boat engines.  It was an exciting day when he started an engine!  Kimball, Calvin, Logan and Bridget all got great report cards!  Eigen has 3 teeth and 3 more about to burst through.  Poor guy is getting 6 teeth within 3 weeks.  Yikes.  Eigen has discovered clapping his hands and playing peek-a-boo.  He also is walking along walls and furniture, watch out world he is about to take over!  He is an eating machine; loves food, not baby food.  Sterling is my great helper.  Loves to watch Super Why and play computer.  Bridget is really into watching She-Ra.  She loves Kindergarten and wears a dress pretty much everyday.  Thank goodness for leggings to keep her warm.  Busy as always.

Last Sunday eve we enjoyed watching the First Presidency Christmas Devotional.  There were many distractions, for instance the sound on the TV would come and go thanks to Eigen’s busy little hands pulling on all the cables, so President Uchtdorf’s message really hit home to me.  He commented that our efforts for a picture perfect Christmas do not always turn out.  He said, “Christmas is really about the Christ…we, like the Wise Men of old, should seek the Christ and lay before Him the most precious of gifts: a broken heart and a contrite spirit. We should offer Him our love….emulate His example, and to go about doing good.”  He went on to say, “we can rejoice even in the imperfections of the season.”  Let me share, and rejoice, in some of the fun times we have had at this wonderful time of the year.

We finally decorated the Christmas tree on Dec. 3rd (need I mention the much impatience and nagging). There is something beautiful and magical of the twinkling lights and decorated tree.  We put our tree in the corner this year, with not many decorations too low.  We only had two ornament casualties during the decorating.  Eigen enjoyed dancing to the music and trying to get all of the baubles!

I wanted to go to a live nativity.  It happened to be the coldest night ever, but amongst grumbling and a sad baby, we did not let the cold stop us.  Kimball really liked petting the camel and donkey.  Bridget, Sterling and Eigen were a bit unsure and kept a safe distance from the animals.  Inside, we got to see a large display of Nativities from around the world.  It turned out to be a nice evening.

I look forward to the kids having a week off of school before Christmas.  I hope to have more fun, probably not picture perfect, yet fun times together.  My goal is to remember that “Christmas is really about the Christ” and to be more like my Savior.  Merry Christmas to all.